TOA24 Satellite: Rising Female Founder Stars

05. Juni

Join us for an unforgettable evening as we shine a light on the remarkable early-stage female founders who are making waves in the entrepreneurial world. This event, now a legendary part of the TOA satellite series in Berlin, promises to inspire and ignite your passion for innovation.

Event Highlights

Inspiring Stories: 7 exceptional female founders will take the stage, each delivering a 10-minute talk filled with their unique and authentic experiences. Discover their motivations, challenges, and successes that you won’t find in magazines or newspapers.

Authentic Insights: Gain firsthand insights into the minds of these rising stars. Learn what drives them, how they navigate their entrepreneurial journeys, and what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive landscape.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with the speakers and fellow attendees after the talks. Expand your community of supporters and forge new connections that can help you on your path.

This is the 8th edition of the “Rising Female Founder Stars” event at Tech Open Air Berlin hosted by Female Founder Space, and each year we are thrilled to see a diverse crowd of passionate and dedicated individuals come together.


18:00 – 18:10 Welcoming
18:10 – 18:25 Introduction with Val Racheeva, Founder & CEO at Female Founder Space and Meiko Rudnik, Event Manager at BASECAMP
18:25 – 18:45 Yasmin Stokinger, Founder of heyyoli
18:45 – 19:05 Maria Birnbaum, Founder of MB Consulting
19:05 – 19:25 Johanna Rief, Founder of Fyrce Care
19:25 – 19:45 Lin Cassie Zhen, Founder of Centred & Lucid
19:45 – 20:05 Alexandra Petrikat, Founder of teethlovers
20:05 – 20:25 Genevieve Van Voorhis, Founder of Lighthouse Nanny UG
20:25 – 20:30 Closing & Take Away Message with Val Racheeva, Founder & CEO at Female Founder Space


  • Datum: 05. Juni 2024
  • Zeit: 18:00 - 21:00 Uhr
  • Veranstalter: Female Founder Space
  • Kategorie: Event vor Ort
  • Ort: BASECAMP, Mittelstraße 51 - 53, 10117 Berlin

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05. Juni

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