TICA: Tokens ICOs & Cryptocurrencies Meetup

12. Juni

Foto: CC0 1.0, Pixabay / geralt / Ausschnitt bearbeitet

Ein herzliches hello an alle ICOs, Blockchain und Cryptocurrencies Fans,willkommen bei TICA!
TICA heisst Tokens ICOs Cryptocurrencies Alliance.
Alles Weitere auf Englisch – entsprechend unserem internationalen Publikum und der Event-Sprache.

A group for people interested in and intrigued by cryptocurrencies, tokens and ICOs (initial coin offerings). We intend this group to appeal to companies and service providers developing token-based businesses, and for investors looking to explore and invest in tokenized assets and cryptocurrencies.
This is part of a larger global meetup on Tokens ICOs and Cryptocurrencies with events also being held on this big topic in at least 10 other cities around the world (and please contact us if you’d like to host one yourself!).
Ultimately this is a venue to learn, explore ideas, develop concepts, get feedback on tokens you are working on – and maybe over time help to influence the industries development (who knows, would be great to have a TICA – token ICO and crypto association – to drive the industry!). We do ask that this is a place more for positive people interested in learning and developing new things – there are other places for outright skeptics!


1845 – 1900 – gather and open chat
1900 – 1920MARK TURRELL, Founder of TICA and Young Global Leader https://de.linkedin.com/in/markturrell/de on ‚ ‘Tinder’ for Business: putting crypto into new style social networks (& the story of idea to pre-ICO to ICO)‘
1930 – 1945DANIEL MEIER, Managing Partner at unitalent https://unitalent.io/ on ‚Enabling the High-Skill Freelance Community with Blockchain Technology‘

* chatting & networking at the bar *

2020 – 2030 – MARTIN MELKOWITSCH – Co-Founder & CTO at Bank52 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MuG8ACtX4NqFEJ-Ko-g1aUuzlKPc5MlT/view?usp=sharing on ‚B52 – The Any Asset Bank‘

We look forward to meeting you !
Join TICA also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1255211664589585/


MARK TURRELL, nominated a Technology Pioneer and Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum: https://de.linkedin.com/in/markturrell/de
Mark attends nearly all TICA events and participates in the after-presentation discussions.


Here you can register and attend our events for free: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/TICA-Tokens-ICOs-Cryptocurrencies-Meetup/events
TICA takes place monthly in Berlin, has started in Norway and is planning the first event in Russia.


We are CHOOSING SPEAKERS for JUNE/ JULY/ SEPTEMBER right now – don’t hesitate to get in touch with me in case you have a promising ICO or ICO related topic that you would like to present: barbra.roesner@gmail.com

Welcome to register here as an attendee…!  https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/TICA-Tokens-ICOs-Cryptocurrencies-Meetup/events/250577387/

See you there!


  • Datum: 12. Juni 2018
  • Zeit: 18:45 - 20:30 Uhr

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12. Juni

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