#PGS24 Reception: State of Progressives in Europe and North America
20. Juni
What is the state of progressive politics in Europe and North America? Before the Progressive Governance Summit (PGS) officially kicks off, we are gathering the PGS24 partners, co-hosts and closest political friends in an informal setting for this year’s PGS Reception.
Experts from around a dozen capitals will assess how the current interwoven crisis affects the respective countries, what major challenges lie ahead and how progressives can build stronger alliances in the future. The guiding question of this year’s PGS is how progressives can address people’s hard-felt anxieties with a holistic security approach ranging from defence to climate, economic and social policies. We look forward to an evening of open debates, good conversations and strengthening international progressive communities.
Die Teilnahme ist leider nur auf persönliche Einladung möglich.
- Datum: 20. Juni 2024
- Zeit: 18:30 - 23:30 Uhr
- Veranstalter: Das Progressive Zentrum
- Kategorie: Event vor Ort
- Ort: BASECAMP, Mittelstraße 51 - 53, 10117 Berlin
20. Juni
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