From G20 to COP: An Inclusive Just Transition

29. Nov.

The two-part event first focuses on South Africa’s upcoming G20 presidency, exploring the key priorities and objectives the country aims to advance during its leadership. The discussion will highlight how South Africa plans to build on the momentum established by the Brazilian G20 presidency, ensuring continuity and progress before handing it over to the United States in 2026.

Ambassador Sizani will spotlight the role of a multilateral system that includes all voices in decision-making, both at the scale of global financial architecture and in local economic growth.

The second part of the event will then shed light on how we can engineer an inclusive and innovative energy transition. We are pleased to co-host this part of the event with the Embassy of Bangladesh in Germany. It takes place as a side event of the AsiaBerlin Summit.

Location: BASECAMP Berlin
Doors open at 10:30 CET

For more information, please visit the website.

If you would like to attend, please register here.

Please contact in case of any questions.

This event is organized by Global Solutions Initiative (GSI). GSI works towards a global economic system that benefits people and planet. Rooted in research, GSI brings together policy, academia, civil society, and the private sector to generate insights for better global governance. Founded in 2017, the Berlin-based independent, non-profit organization annually convenes the Global Solutions Summit, which serves as a steppingstone to the G20 and G7 Summits.


  • Datum: 29. Nov. 2024
  • Zeit: 11:00 - 13:30 Uhr
  • Veranstalter: Global Solutions Initiative Foundation
  • Kategorie: Event vor Ort
  • Ort: BASECAMP, Mittelstraße 51 - 53, 10117 Berlin

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29. Nov.

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