CBC-Forum: ICT Market Trends & the Digital Transformation of the Economy

24. Feb.

CAPITALS Business Circle in partnership with CeBIT, BASE_camp  and Bitkom Research kindly invite you to the next special CBC Forum with Senior Speakers and Experts discussing in an interactive way about the future of the ICT Market and the Digitalisation of the Economy (D!conomy) on the occasion of CEBIT 2015.


18.30: Registration & Warming Up Networking.

19.00: Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Yannis Salavopoulos, President CBC

19.10: Impulse Speeches & Panel Discussion with Moderation: Jutta Jakobi, Vice President CEBIT/Head of Business Development & Startups, Axel Pols, Managing Director, Bitkom Research GmbH

19.50: Interactive Dialogue, Q & A.

20.30: Interactive Business Networking with drinks & finger food Buffett

Jetzt anmelden

Die Veranstaltung findet am Dienstag, den 24. Februar 2015 ab 19.00Uhr im BASE_camp statt. Weitere Infos gibt es hier, anmelden kann man sich hier.


  • Datum: 24. Feb. 2015
  • Zeit: 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr

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24. Feb.

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