Berlin AWS Group Meetup: Internet of Things

21. Feb.

Here’s the next chance to gather knowledge and wisdom – this time the theme is Internet of Things and we have two great talks on the list!

This session is kindly sponsored by O2 Telefónica.


  • 18:15 – Admission
  • 18:45 – Warming up and networking chat
  • 19:00 – Welcome talk
  • 19:00 – 19:45 – Timo Dorsch-Worthmann of O2 Telefónica // Security & efficiency for scaling IoT networks

The aim of this talk is to inspire ideas how lower-level authentication, routing, localisation or DNS used in telco-networks can be easily integrated into AWS IoT-environments to improve security and performance while leveraging cloud-native functions in a private IoT network scenario.
We also will talk about some ideas how our customers use AWS Traffic mirroring, Flow Logs, ACL and Route 53 to enhance their IoT security and how IoT Shadow and AWS Locations Service helped them to simplify their IoT devices and extended the battery lifetime.

  • 19:45 – 20:15 – Short break w/ snacks and drinks
  • 20:15 – 21:00 – Alina Dima of AWS // Building Resilience at Scale in IoT Applications

This session will focus on explaining resilience at scale, and how scale uncovers problems you don’t see otherwise, and providing examples of mitigation strategies you can build with AWS IoT, to ensure that your IoT application in its entirety is operating reliably at scale.

  • 21:00 – 21:30: Closing Announcements & Networking


  • Datum: 21. Feb. 2023
  • Zeit: 18:45 - 21:30 Uhr
  • Veranstalter: Berlin AWS Group Meetup, o2 Telefónica
  • Kategorie: Event vor Ort
  • Ort: BASECAMP, Mittelstraße 51 - 53, 10117 Berlin

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21. Feb.

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